How to Win at Blackjack – You Do No Always Have to Count
Learning how to play Blackjack is just a part of the journey and learning how to win at Blackjack is a completely different story.
Blackjack is one of the most popular games that you may find at online casinos. Therefore, so many gamblers are always in seek of the best ways to win at Blackjack. Though Blackjack is easy to understand and the rules are simple, winning does not come that easily. That’s what makes this game one of the easiest and the hardest games at the same time. So, let’s view how to win at Blackjack!
Why Do You Need at Least a Basic Blackjack Strategy?
Though it might seem quite obvious, many people start playing Blackjack directly after learning the basic blackjack rules without having the strategy. Well, it’s the beginning, so, in the beginning, we all make a lot of betting mistakes. What we can do is to do our best not to repeat them though.
The right Blackjack strategy can substantially increase your winning chances. The house edge itself is one of the lowest in the best online Blackjack games and the strategy just makes you closer to winning. Just take some time searching for the most effective strategies that usually work with other gamblers. It’s always better to have at least the basic strategy than no strategy at all. Hence, start the game prepared.
Do Not Split if You Have Tens
Coming specifically to the strategies on how to win at Blackjack, one of the main rules is to try to focus on long-term results. If you focus on the short-term results, you can still win but in the long-term, you might be losing. Therefore, focus on the long-term. Try to catch the moments when you feel like the dealer is more likely to lose and when you have a chance to add more chips. You can do this by splitting once you have a pair in hand.

If you are new to Blackjack, the idea of splitting tens might sound very attractive to you. You might think that you can make a blackjack. There is a possibility for it, but the idea of splitting tens is still not recommended. Even if the dealer’s hand is weak. Your hand is strong enough, so, there is no need to risk it and lose what you could win.
Stand With 12 or 13
Many Blackjack newbies tend to avoid having a starting hand of 12 or 13. However, you should not try to avoid it. In blackjack, it’s all about known quantities. You know your hand which is, say, 12 or 13, and one of the dealer’s cards – his upcard. And it will help you guess what the dealer’s starting hand can be.
Let’s imagine that the dealer has shown 4, 5, or 6. Then, we can guess that the dealer’s hand is 14,15, or 16. If it is so, the dealer will have to pick another card and that is might make him a bust. You need to try to guess the dealer’s hand, and such information helps you in doing so. So, it’s good for you as a player to keep the hand of 12.
How to Win at Blackjack – Keep Up With Your Bankroll
It’s not a Blackjack strategy, however, these secret blackjack winning tips will at least help you lose less at online casinos. It’s about improving your overall performance in a game. Gambling is all about proper time and money management. And you have to take care of it before you even start gambling. Set the limit to the time and money that you can afford to lose.

If you do not have spare money or time, do not risk it. There is the possibility to leave the casino with some more money in your pocket, but that’s just a chance. You do not know for sure if you win or not. Therefore, enter the casino when you know that you can lose some money and time on gambling. Otherwise, wait for the right moment.
Keep It Cool and Gamble at Safe Casinos Only
And, finally, try to keep it cool. Yes, we know, it’s hard to keep your emotions under control sometimes especially when things go not as planned. Yet, control over your emotions can save you more money than you think. Sometimes, people just let their emotions free and do a lot of betting mistakes. Therefore, you have to always stay rational. If you feel like it’s hard for you, train this skill and enter the casino when you know you can control how you feel.
And, surely, you always have to pick the best online blackjack casinos. If you go for the random casino without making sure that’s it’s trustworthy, no matter how much you win, you won’t get anything. We definitely recommend you to try Omni Slots! The