Super Fun 21 Guide: How to Play
Within this Super Fun 21 guide, we take a look at the blackjack variant and find out all the details about the online game. Blackjack is made up of many fun perks and positives. However, as any seasoned player knows, there are many different blackjack variants. Find out about all the different blackjack variants at our site. Below, we take a look at Super Fun 21 under the spotlight.
Super Fun 21 Guide: An Introduction
Blackjack Super Fun 21 is one of the most popular blackjack variations available at online casinos. In the 1990s, it became popular in Las Vegas casinos as a blackjack version. You may now play Super Fun 21 in almost any online casino, thanks to the ever-expanding iGaming business.
Blackjack Super Fun 21 is a simple game to pick up and play, and it can be a lot of fun. There are a few rules that set it apart from normal Vegas Strip Blackjack, including as the six-card-Charlie rule, which states that if a player’s hand contains six or more cards without going bust, they always win. Other distinctions include the ability to split a hand up to four times and the fact that a player blackjack beats a dealer blackjack. But we’ll get to those eventually. We go down every detail of the blackjack variant in our introduction to Super Fun 21, the ultimate online blackjack guide.
How to Play Super Fun 21
In essence, the rules of Super Fun 21 are the same as any other blackjack game. The player is pitted against the dealer, and the goal of the game is to reach as near to 21 as possible. If you go over 21, you’ll immediately lose the round. It’s referred to as becoming bankrupt. All image cards (Jack, Queen, and King) are worth ten points, just like in normal blackjack, however Aces can be valued one or eleven points. As a result, players must match an Ace with a 10-value card in order to make Blackjack, the game’s strongest hand.

The dealer asks for all bets and side bets to be put before the game begins. After the betting is finished, the dealer hands the player two face up cards and takes a face up and a face down card for themselves. If the dealer’s face-up card is an Ace, the player can put a half-stake Insurance Bet. If the dealer has Blackjack, the Insurance Bet is successful, and the player receives a 2:1 payout on their stake.
The dealer will check for blackjack if the face up card is a ten-value card. The player loses the round if they have blackjack, unless they also have blackjack. The round continues as usual if the dealer does not hold blackjack. This is done to speed up the round and prevent the player from wagering additional money if they lose the round to a dealer blackjack hand.
Player Options
During the round, the player has the option of performing one of the following actions:
- Hit – the player takes an additional card to their hand. There is no limit as to how many cards the player can take, but they must remain cautious not to exceed 21.
- Stand – the player is happy with their hand and does not take on any additional card.
- Double Down – the player decides to double their bet and receive just one more card to their hand. In almost every version of Blackjack, this is only allowed after receiving the two initial face up cards. However, in Super Fun 21, the player can double down at any time.

- Surrender – the player decides to abandon their bet in return for half their stake back. Most games only allow this after the two initial face up cards are dealt. In Super Fun 21, the player can surrender at any point, even after Doubling Down.
- Split – the player has received a pair and decides to split them into two separate hands, doubling their bet in the process. Each hand is played independently, and it is even possible to split them again – up to four times in fact. In Super Fun 21, it is possible to split four times, split aces more than once, hit, surrender and even double down. This gives the player far more leeway than standard blackjack games.
Rules for the Dealer
The dealer must play at the end of the player’s turn. They first expose their face-down card, which reveals the total worth of their hand. The dealer will hit if their hand is worth 16 or less. They will stand if their hand is 18 or higher. The dealer will stand if the dealer has a hard 17 (a 17 without an ace). They will hit if the dealer has a soft 17 (a 17 with an ace).
The Pay Out
Super Fun 21 has a slightly different payoff than conventional blackjack. The round is lost if the dealer’s hand is stronger than the player’s. In the same way, if a player’s hand beats the dealer’s (without going bust), the round is won with even money at a 1:1 payout.

If a player’s hand totals 21 and consists of 5 cards, the player receives a 2:1 payout. The bet is returned as a push if the player’s and dealer’s hands are of equal strength. If the dealer has Blackjack, he or she wins at odds of 1:1. Unless the gambler has a suited diamond Blackjack combination, in which case he or she will receive a 2:1 payment. Regardless of the dealer’s hand, if a player has six or more cards without going bust, they automatically win.
Super Fun 21 Guide: Features
To make matters easier, we have included the main differences between standard blackjack and Super Fun 21:
- Player blackjack always wins
- Blackjack pays 1:1 unless when suited diamonds, in which case it pays 2:1
- Split aces can be hit, doubled, re-split or surrendered
- Pairs can be split up to four times
- Doubling Down is available at any point of a round
- Surrendering is available at any point of a round
- Six cards without going bust automatically wins
- Using 5 cards to make exactly 21 pays 2:1
Super Fun 21 Guide: Strategy
Following the basic blackjack strategy in Super Fun 21 will almost surely increase your chances of winning. The player’s two face-up cards and the dealer’s face-up card are used to create blackjack strategy.

It is a statistically based mathematical strategy that provides the player with an optimum scenario for how to play each and every hand possibility. There are three different forms of strategy: hard hands, soft hands, and pairs.
Hard Hands
If your hand does not contain an Ace, it is considered a Hard Hand. Here is how to play with hard hands:
- Hit if your hand is worth anything up to 8
- Double Down if your hand is worth 9 and the dealer is showing a 3 to 6, otherwise, Hit
- Double Down if your hand is 10, unless the dealer shows 10, in which case, Hit
- Always Double Down on 11
- Hit on 12 unless the dealer shows 3 to 6, in which case, Stand
- Stand on 13 or 14 if the dealer shows 2 to 6, otherwise, Hit
- You should Stand on 15 if the dealer shows 2 to 6, surrender if 10 or A is show, otherwise, Hit
- Stand on 16 if the dealer shows 2 to 6, surrender if 9, 10 or A, otherwise, Hit
- You should Stand on 17 unless dealer shows an Ace, in which case, Surrender
- Stand on 18 or more
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Soft Hands
The second type of hands are those which have an ace in them.
- Hit a soft 13
- Double Down a 14 and dealer shows 6, otherwise Hit
- You should Double Down a 15 and dealer shows 5 or 6, otherwise Hit
- Double Down a 16 and the dealer shows 4 to 6, otherwise Hit
- You should Double Down a 17 and the dealer shows 3 to 6, otherwise Hit
- Double Down an 18 and the dealer shows 3 to 6. Stand if 2, 7 or 8 are shown, otherwise Hit
- Stand on soft 19 unless dealer is showing a 6, in which case, Double Down
- Always stand on 20
In case you are dealt two cards with equal value, here is what you should do.
- A Pair of 2s: Hit unless the dealer shows 2 to 7, in which case, Split
- Pair of 3s: Hit unless the dealer shows 3 to 7, in which case, Split
- A Pair of 4s: Hit unless the dealer shows 5 or 6, in which case, Split
- Pair of 5s: Double Down unless the dealer shows 10, in which case, Hit
- A Pair of 6s: Hit unless the dealer shows 2 to 6, in which case, Split
- Pair of 7s: Split if the dealer shows 2 to 7, otherwise, Hit
- A Pair of 8s: Split unless dealer shows an Ace, in which case, Surrender
- Pair of 9s: Split – unless the dealer shows 7, 10 or Ace, in which case, Stand
- A Pair of 10s: Stand
- Pair of Aces: Split them
The Bottom Line
Within this Super Fun 21 Guide, we take a look at all the features you need to know about the online game. Super Fun 21 is a very enjoyable variant of blackjack to play. Particularly when you are familiar with basic strategy. Once these have been confirmed, you will be able to enjoy Super Fun 21 blackjack without any issues or problems in understanding the game.