Alabama Casino Reopens After Governor Loses Office

Casino reopens
One night back in 2009 was a shock to an Alabama casino operator when his casino was shot down by local authorities.
Milton McGregor, as casino gambling news report, had been operating a successful casino and electronic bingo business near Montgomery, Alabama. The gambling center included 6,000 machines, live dog races as well as a hotel and restaurants. The business employed 3,000 people and generated profits of $40 million in 2009 alone.
One day it all ended when the state officials forcefully closed the casino resort soon after Bob Riley, then a governor of Alabama, decided to crack down on gambling in the state. On top, the casino owner was charged with influencing the state legislators with donations coming from his casino profits. Mr. Mcgregor was put on trial with several others, including a state legislator and lobbyists.
Some in the group, however, were found to be not guilty and the casino has already reopened with even more machines and fanciful settings that resemble those of Las Vegas in taste and feel. Meanwhile, other defendants are still on trial.
Due to the rise of mobile bingo, many land-based operators, such as the one in Alabama, are facing growing competitive pressures. Now, a gambler doesn’t need to drive many miles to get to an attractive gambling destination.
With the rise of iPhone casinos, players can get instant and on-the-go access to the traditional casino games as well as to many new features constantly being developed by online casino software makers.
Companies such as Microgaming, Playtech, and Cryptologic constantly develop new casino software for multiple games on different platforms, among which are the Android blackjack and a multitude on online slots.
To fight back, land-based casinos are competing not only with the offers, but by trying to block legalization of Internet betting in their states. Nevertheless, the times are changing.
The only issue I have with this article is that the casino has not reopened but they said they are working on it!
The only issue I have with this article is that the casino has not reopened but they said they are working on it!
It amazes me where Mr.Sebastian got his information for this article. First of all Mr. McGregor voluntarily closed his casino. Second the casino is not open at this time. Third the trial is over all of the defendants were found not guilty.
It amazes me where Mr.Sebastian got his information for this article. First of all Mr. McGregor voluntarily closed his casino. Second the casino is not open at this time. Third the trial is over all of the defendants were found not guilty.