Betting on E-sports
E-sports betting

E-Sports is popular among young people. Betting on events can be the gambling industry’s next thing.

Statistics show that internet casino facilities such as online blackjack rooms mostly attract people over 50 in the United States. The trend is similar worldwide, with the average age of players being a bit lower.

Young guys and some girls between 18 and 24 however, like to watch live streams of e-sports matches in StarCraft II, League of Legends, and Diablo III.

Asia is pretty big in this thing, for example watching live StarCraft matches in Korea is a popular form entertainment. Professional e-sport players earn big bucks, and in Asian countries, they enjoy an almost rock-star status.

We predict real money betting on e-sports to be one of the trends of the future. At first glance, it might seem a bit weird, putting wagers on people playing StarCraft battles between Terrans and Aliens, but if you think about, a real-time strategy video game is like online poker or blackjack. You have to choose your winning strategy, you have to know your opponent. Sometimes you have to risk, sometimes you have to concentrate on building your resources. The excitement and the drama is there, the game can change in the very last second.

A recent study actually showed that wagering actually does appeal to younger people, but they seem to prefer new forms of betting. There is a major cultural and economic gap between the generations, but the motives are similar: both young and old enjoy betting and winning.

An e-sports tournament already attracts almost as much viewers as a web blackjack. Maybe soon, the money involved in the games will grow as well.