Game Changing New Website from Party Poker

Party Poker revamp
New Mobile Integrated HTML5 Site from Party Poker Aims to Recover Market Share
Party Poker have bought out their new website and it looks like it could be a bit of a game changer. Not only do they have a brand new (and quite nice, to be honest) logo, and a fancy new HTML5 website that looks great on all mobile devices as well as the web, but they have a new social side to poker too.
Mobile casinos are the big new thing in the world of gambling, so it’s no surprise that Party Poker have jumped right onto that bandwagon. Their site is clean, comfortable and easy to navigate whichever device you use. With clear icons and added features, they’ve definitely shifted their attention to a new type of gambler.
Which brings the social side into play. It’s been seen with the launch of a number of (albeit free-play only) Facebook casinos, but Android and iPhone gambling is expected to be all about showing off. Want to tell your friends you’ve won 3 hands in a row? Well, Party Poker gives you that option. With a host of achievements available for real money players to collect, you can show off your poker prowess with the new site.
Another new addition to Android casino poker is missions. Party Poker give you a chance to take on “missions” that improve your poker and give you the chance to win prizes. You can pause and restart these missions at will.
Time will tell if these changes will improve Party Poker’s position, but it is a big change for the former giant, and first impressions are definitely positive.