Strip Blackjack on campuses
Strip Blackjack

Blackjack card games are the favorite pastime of millions of adults who enjoy to unwind at luxury licensed casinos all over the world, from Foxwoods to Las Vegas or from Finland to Macau.

In an exclusive investigative report, uncovered a new blackjack rule variation which is spreading like wildfire across university campuses of the United States, England and Australia.

The game is Strip Blackjack, and just like its cousin Strip Poker, it’s a game whose consequences may not be fully understood by the newly emancipated recent High School graduates.

“It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Nah, it’s like shooting mermaids in a pool,” boasts Mike, a 3rd year student matriculated at a well known mid-western University in the United States. Mike, who prefers anonymity, was willing to explain the popularity of strip blackjack on college campuses and you would be surprised that it’s not all about alcohol and drug fueled sex parties.

“There lot of websites that pay $10,000 bucks when I send them self-made videos of all of us, like five, ten girls and my bros. To break the ice with the girls, so we all in the proper mood, we invite a few new ones and a couple of, heh, professional players.

“So we play strip blackjack card games and every time they lose, they take a piece of clothing off and have to take a drink. If they get 21, there’s a Truth or Dare type situation. Before you know it, things are happening,” Mike explained quite seriously, as if discussing ozone depletion or quoting from a kitchen appliance repair manual.

Strip blackjack is played by groups of six or eight students without any casino strategy playing a part in the game. The role of the dealer is performed by one of the players, who act as both the dealer and the player by dealing two independent hands for himself. There is no insurance, splits or doubles and the dealer can hit on soft 17.

The recent rise of on-campus teen pregnancy is concerning educators, religious leaders and parents alike. The levels of both unemployment and tuition costs are at their peak. Few parents would greet their 18 year old freshman daughter with tears of joy, after learning the only career the $40,000/year tuition bought, was that of a mother.