Legal Blackjack Card Games Coming Soon To New York Race Tracks

Blackjack or Riots?
For the first time, New York State politicians are considering allowing blackjack card games and poker in state’s race tracks.
New York State politicians have begun to seriously debate for the first time in the history of the state if blackjack card games as well as poker should be permitted within the state’s racetracks.
According to casino gambling news, racetracks like the Saratoga Casino and Raceway may soon become mini-casinos. Supporters of the proposal see no other way of generating revenues for the cash strapped state.
Around 20% of residents in New York City chose not to work and instead live in government subsidized housing, are fed, clothed and sometimes even bathed by the state.
Due to President Barak Hussein Obama’s approach to the economy, the stock market is dropping faster than the price of welfare cheese, so the state was unable to receive Wall Street’s expected tax dollars this year (which were already spent a decade ago.)
Without finding a new source of revenue, the situation looks pretty grim. Governor Andrew Cuomo mentioned the problem must be solved and quickly, and since every other option has long been exhausted, gambling is all that’s left.
Only the legalization, regulation and taxation of blackjack games will infuse enough cash into the state’s coffers to prevent rioting and looting by the millions of social services recipients.
“These people may all be disabled according to doctors, but if their benefits get cut off, their health will improve enough to riot, loot, rob and pillage on par with Olympic Athletes,” stated a state congressional aide who asked that his name not be used.
The non-for-profit New York Gaming Association produced some exciting statistics for the recent debate, which according to insiders pretty much sealed the deal.
The statistics showed that $3-$5 billion dollars each year are spent by New York City residents on casino table games alone with none of that money being taxed.
Two billion dollars in additional tax revenue from blackjack card games will ensure that the state will remain solvent for another few decades.
“In my opinion reaction generally remains positive, without any obligations,” The Gambling Association’s president stated. “Individuals are usually surprised about how effective the racetrack casinos are actually and the way they contribute towards education, agriculture and racing.”
Sen. Roy McDonald, R-Saratoga, mentioned he’s open to allowing gambling within the state as long as it has no negative impact on the dying horse racing industry and especially the Saratoga racetrack.
“Sometimes when people do things in a hurry to change things, we forget to guard and preserve what’s already working,” mentioned McDonald, who sits on the New York State’s Racing, Gaming and Wagering Committee. “… Exploring new gaming options is actually a brilliant idea that we will take full advantage of during this year.”
A representative for the New York Horse Racing Association, which is based out of the Saratoga’s thoroughbred racetrack, released a terse statement blasting the idea of blackjack games and extrapolating the virtues of horse racing.
What Stock market are you following that is dropping faster than the price of welfare cheese?? It isn’t the one at the NYSE….or even NASDAQ……It is nice that Nick Meisher sites a reason for the stock market to be dropping so quickly…Sadly it appears that Nick just made it up to support his political agenda….I thought this was an article about blackjack not a platform for Nick’s political opinion….
Where does your information come from Nick?…Why don’t you list your sources?
What Stock market are you following that is dropping faster than the price of welfare cheese?? It isn’t the one at the NYSE….or even NASDAQ……It is nice that Nick Meisher sites a reason for the stock market to be dropping so quickly…Sadly it appears that Nick just made it up to support his political agenda….I thought this was an article about blackjack not a platform for Nick’s political opinion….
Where does your information come from Nick?…Why don’t you list your sources?