LiveAce Poker Completely Legal in US

Legal US poker
Prizes Up for Grabs Every Day in the Auction Room
There’s a new player in the world of iPhone and Android casino poker, and this one has a trick up its sleeve. That’s right, LiveAce is legal in 31 US states and the District of Columbia, and you can win yourself real cash prizes. You just have to bid for them.
Yep, bid for them: LiveAce uses an auction system to distribute their prizes, and this innovative system busts right through a nice legal loophole in the US. So for American iPad Gamblers out there, it’s a bit of a blessing.
Completely based in the browser – thanks to HTML5 – you can access this beast of a new poker site wherever you are and from any device. Well, any device that isn’t stuck in the stone ages, that is.
How does it work, though? You receive chips from the game every day, and use them to play games of poker, during which you win live chips. These live chips can then be used to bid in the auction for the cash prizes. That’s a pretty smart strategy from the newcomers, and the auction even means you’ve got a greater chance of winning a cash prize.
You see, whereas only about 10% of players win a prize in a normal tournament site, auctions on LiveAce typically result in 50-75% of players getting their hands on some real cash. That’s pretty good, and they’ve got 2 times WSOP champion Andy Frankenberger onside too.