Mobile Gamers Rampage As Google Nexus Denied Android Ice Cream Sandwich

No ICS in Nexus One
Mobile gamers disappointed by official announcement that the newest Android Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade will not come to Google Nexus One.
The first and one of the most popular Nexus smartphones – the Google Nexus One – will not be powered by the latest Android OS – the mythical beast known as the Ice Cream Sandwich.
Disappointed fans of mobile casinos listened in vain as Hugo Barra, the Android product management director over at Google, told them that Nexus One hardware is nothing but refurbished rotary phone parts and is “simply too old to run the new operating system.”
Google Nexus One provided its owners with many happy moments at Android casinos and still remains one of the most popular Android phones on the market, despite its age. Naturally the announcement came as a shock to many smartphone owners.
Some industry specialists argue that fans of Android mobile gambling can still “unofficialy” smuggle the Ice Cream Sandwich into the Google Nexus One. We have seen this happen before and can’t rule out the possibility, however we strongly advise not to tamper with your smartphone, unless you work in R&D at Google.
Google Nexus S owners are lucky: their smartphone is deemed current enough to accommodate the newest Android OS. Ice Cream Sandwich update will become available to them shortly after the latest Galaxy Nexus begins its quest for world domination. Read more in our (Galaxy Nexus Gamble on Android Mobile Forum To Reveal Release Date) article.