Prison for Pennsylvania Blackjack Players Who Leave the Kids in the Car
Jail for offenders
The recent addition of blackjack card games to casinos in the US state of Pennsylvania has brought with it some unexpected problems. One of the worst is parents leaving their children locked in their car while they step inside for a little gambling.
Local news sites are calling the problem an “outbreak”. So far, seven incidents have been reported at the Parx Casino alone, resulting in four arrests. State legislators are fed up with this recurring problem, and are now threatening local gamblers with a maximum sentence of seven years in prison.
Pennsylvania state representative Gene DiGirolamo is calling for an amendment to be made to local laws making it a third-degree felony to leave a child under 13 unattended in a motor vehicle. The crime is currently just a first-degree misdemeanor.
Casinos, of course, are complaining that the new law might scare away customers, while the Gaming Control Board is chastising casinos for not taking better control of the situation. At the end of the day, however, it’s the gamblers who are to blame. Perhaps they would have been better off just going home to play blackjack online while their children played happily a few feet away.
this is retarded, what kind of person would do such thing? and to have this repeated over and over again by random people means that this is not a random problem, but an issue of a careless society
this is retarded, what kind of person would do such thing? and to have this repeated over and over again by random people means that this is not a random problem, but an issue of a careless society