Tiny Countries Becoming Casino Hot Spots

Tiny island gambling
There’s a new and very tough casino competition coming from tiny island states in the Pacific, Mediterranean, and Caribbean. Benign climate makes a perfect complement for gambling.
According to casino gambling news, Singapore is looking to expand beyond finance and trading.
The tiny city-state is betting big time on becoming an Asian gambling Mecca, thus attracting millions of Chinese, Indian, and Australian gamblers.
Recently, the minuscule yet powerful nation, developed a new casino strategy that aims to take it to the top of the gambling world. More than $10 billion has been invested into the development of high class casinos that will rival the best a world can offer.
No longer the rich Asians will need to head to Las Vegas or Monaco to feel the luxurious splendor of these gambling destinations.
Mediterranean Strikes Back
Meanwhile, Cypus is considering building a casino in an old airport while Malta strikes back at UK competitors.
Malta’s attractive tax rates, and benign climate, make it an attractive destination. However, what brings serious loot to the tiny island archipelago, is the online gambling based in the country. Many gamblers have been poached from the UK online casinos to Maltese competitors with attractive casino online bonus offers.
At the same time, tiny Caribbean island states, Barbados and Antigua, are looking for American and Canadian gamblers as they also have favorable climate to offer in addition to gambling entertainment.
As the trends develop, it appears that combining nice climate with gambling is an attractive offer to compete with mobile casino games that have poached serious cash from land-based casinos in the recent years.
It is a great opportunity for these tiny countries to attract more tourist ant their money. They usually offer low taxes so it is a perfect place for gambling industry.
It is a great opportunity for these tiny countries to attract more tourist ant their money. They usually offer low taxes so it is a perfect place for gambling industry.