Toshiba Honeycomb Regza ANT Tablet Delay – Mobile Casino Gamer Review

Toshiba Gamble
The Toshiba Honeycomb Tablet, or whichever name you may chose to call it, has been definitely put on hold till ‘the very end of the summer’.
The Toshiba Honeycomb Tablet, which has more names than an international assassin, has been called Toshiba ANT-100, ANT-102 and ANT-104 due to the NVIDIA Tegra 2 graphics processor and the Android Honeycomb 3 operating system (ANT = Android Nvidia Toshiba or Android Nvidia Tablet).
In other parts of the globe it goes by the name of Toshiba Regza Tablet AT300; in America there are rumors of a Toshiba Google Nexus-T while in New Zealand there are reports of a mysterious Toshiba Antares. In the remote wilderness of Patagonia, daily sacrifices are made to a blood splattered idol named the Toshiba Thrive Tablet.
What we know for sure, is that the Toshiba Honeycomb Tablet comes in three versions (8GB, 16GB, 32GB) and used to be priced at 8GB ($450), 16GB ($500), 32GB ($560). The prices obviously are no longer valid due to the delay and the possibility of an exciting upgrade!
The Toshiba Regza Tablet AT300, like so many others these days, is built purely for the needs of mobile gamers and the mobile casino games players. With the lighting speed of Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor (may be upgraded to quad), Adobe Flash support and the latest Android 3.1 Honeycomb OS, the tablet will pose a serious threat to all competitors in its path, including Apple iPad2 and Motorola Xoom.
Priced just between the Apple iPad2 and the Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101, the (Toshiba Regza Tablet AT300 / Toshiba ANT-100 / Toshiba Google Nexus-T / Toshiba Antares / Toshiba Thrive Tablet)’s delay is rumored to have been caused by either (a) not enough NVIDIA Tegra 2 chips to meet the demands of the market; (b) Toshiba waiting for Nvidia ‘Kal El’ (Quadcore Nvidia 3) to supersize this tablet; (c) issues related to the deadly earthquake / tsunami in Japan.
Toshiba Android Honeycomb Tablet will have, no matter when its released, some excellent apps as mobile casino software developers have been working overtime creating unique real money games specifically designed for the new Google Android Honeycomb 3.1 OS.
This baby is built for gaming, and calls for them like a baby ANT calls for its mother (well maybe not). The 10.1-inch multi-touch screen with an elite 16:10 aspect ratio, HDTV, and a 1280×800 max resolution wasn’t designed just for spreadsheets and presentations. The USB port for a desktop QWERTY keyboard, a wireless mouse, and a monitor instantly transforms the Toshiba Tablet into a desktop thanks to the functionality of Android Honeycomb 3.1.
All the standard features are here including the GPS, accelerometer and strangely enough – a compass. The compass was installed as a safety feature to assist mobile casino gamblers (who’ve been known to lose all sense of direction after winning a huge mobile jackpot) to easily find their way home.
Diehard fans of current Android casinos can relax, as all the old favorites are fully compatible with the Honeycomb. For the sophisticated mobile gamers, the Toshiba Android Tablet can easily deal with any task, so you can still make award winning presentations while playing blackjack simultaneously.
The ability to swap batteries, which is unique to the Toshiba Honeycomb Tablet, will finally open the doors to lengthy Android casino poker tournaments which can be played while camping, or fishing at the lake.
With its long list of innovative features, the reasonable price and a heavy focus on the mobile casino gambling market, the latest Toshiba Android Tablet will rightfully take its place at the top of the mobile tablet industry. Who knows, maybe even surpass its competitors. Hungry ANTs have been known to devour apples…
Better save some bucks, or win them at a mobile casino))
Better save some bucks, or win them at a mobile casino))