Zynga Sees Yet Another Loss As It Adjusts to a New Life

Zynga losses
Falling Player Numbers Contribute to Zynga Loss
Social and mobile arcade games developer Zynga has found itself with yet another loss, as it continues to re-align itself after some flirtations with other revenue streams. The social giant has been refocusing itself in recent times, returning to its core strategy of bold and brash social gaming.
The company are still recovering from the share drop they suffered after their move to produce real money mobile casino games. The company even went as far as to apply for a Nevada online gambling license, but they have since pulled out of that move, and their share price has recovered somewhat.
Still, a 36% drop on the figures for last year cannot be ignored, and with mobile casinos soon due in the US, their marketplace could start to fall away.
Perhaps even more alarming than the drop in revenue is the drop in player numbers the social gaming company has encountered. Q3 saw a drop of 57% from Q2, with 133 million active users, compared to 311 million.
With real money online gambling getting closer and closer in the US, the world’s social gaming and gambling market will never be the same again. It remains to be seen if companies like Zynga can actually turn a profit in these changing times for gamers.